
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Once In A While

Once In A While
By: Scotts Irish

1691 Words

Once in awhile, it all comes together.

The boys and I did our usual weekly jam session in the basement of my girlfriend's house. Since two of the guys are her brothers, this isn't a real stretch. In fact, she first seduced me after a jam session, but that's a different story.

Sometimes Mary and her friends will hang out and the sessions become more of a party than a music session. But not on this warm, early spring night. She mostly stayed upstairs, doing whatever it is girls do when they're alone - I never ask.

Sure, we usually have more than a few beers while we rock out, but tonight, I was trying to set a good example and only had two. We played all our normal songs, and had the tape recorder going as we often do. The oldest brother usually commandeers the tape and listens to it on his way home, but tonight I snared the tape for a change. We packed up the amps and stuff, and the guys went home.

Mary wasn't on the main floor of the house, so I went upstairs to see what was going on. I'm never quite sure if I was staying over or not, we never talk about it. Either it happens or it doesn't. At the top of the stairs, the door to the bathroom was open and sure enough, she had about 20 candles lit and their light was flickering into the darkened hallway. "Looks like an invitation to me", I thought.

Alas, no girl in the bubble bath, in fact the room was empty.

I knocked politely on her bedroom door, which was slightly ajar. Mary?" I asked.

"Um huh" she murmured.

I slipped in and closed the door. Another candle was the only light in the room, and she was lying on her brass bed, wearing two-piece white silk pajamas.

"Hey kiddo, I missed you downstairs. We played pretty good tonight. We could have used you on the tambourine, though".

"Hmmm" was her only response. I eased on to the bed and caressed her ear through her fine, curly blonde hair. She turned her head and our mouths met. She was warm and moist. I certainly wasn't going anywhere else tonight.

"Got any smoke?", I asked as I slid my hand down her waist and around her ass. She rolled towards me and slid her leg between mine as I adjusted to make room. We gently pressed our pelvises together and kissed deeply for a minute of sweet, hungry togetherness. She smiled, pulled away and started rolling a joint.

"Hey, I've got tonight's tape". I got up, went over to put the tape in the stereo and pressed play. I sat on the edge of the bed and kicked off my shoes. She handed me the number and I inhaled deeply. On the tape, the boys and I rolled into "Honky-Tonk Women". I handed her back the smoke and lay back against the pillows. We resumed a variation of our earlier entwination and shared the joint with kisses and caresses between hits.

When she freed herself to extinguish the roach, I took the opportunity to slide out of my jeans and ease the pressure my own joint was exerting against the fabric. As we slid back together, the weed kicked in as her soft thighs pressed between mine. On the tape, our rocking rendition of "Big Boss Man" was jamming along insistently. Mary was definitely into the music, with little pelvic thrusts in time with the beat and then an exquisite, slow grind mirroring my harmonica solo.

I eased my hand up over the silk of her top and enveloped her breast. Pressing and squeezing firmly but gently, I was rewarded with a hungry little "Mmmm". I released the pressure and very lightly slid my fingertips smoothly upwards until they all met at her nipple. I did this a couple of time until I could feel her nipple begin to harden. Then, using my thumb and index finger, I squeezed just hard enough to begin to lift her bosom then let it slip between them and sort of pop back. I timed it to coincide with the band pausing for the single beat of the snare drum before we charge into the final chorus. As we hit the first power chord, I came on strong with my hand squeezing her breast and a slight roll onto her that also aligned my hot, thickened penis along her pelvic mound.

As the song ended, I started kissing and nibbling her ear. She reached around and started easing my shorts off from behind. I reached down to help and tossed them over by my jeans. The boys and I were now starting up on "Cripple Creek", with apologies due to "The Band" no doubt. I came back up her leg, starting below the back side of her knee, then up her inner thigh using small circular caresses and squeezes in time with the music. She gave a little moan as I reached her pubic delta and gave her a little double squeeze in time with the semi-reggae backbeat of the song. I kept going and slipped my hand under her waistband and as I eased them down, she lifted her hips at just the right moment, amazingly, right with the music.

As I kissed her hungrily, my hand went straight for her crotch. That was one hot juicy Lucy, I'm telling you. On the tape, the "Bad Basement Blues Band" stomped into "Sweet Home Alabama". I decided not to penetrate her with my fingers, but instead slid them up and down her swelling vaginal lips, and doing at little circle around her clitoris on the musical turnarounds. Her hips were bucking with the backbeat and I again went to her ear, mixing kisses, little nips and steamy hot panting breaths with the occasional plunging tongue tip into her ear canal.

"I coming home to you, baby", I whispered as the song ended. She moaned and opened her legs wide as I moved over her. Holding myself up a bit on my knees and an elbow, I rubbed my dick along her sopping pussy and a couple of times I let it fall with a satisfying "plop". My lead guitar riffs from the open of Creedence Clearwater;s "Down On The Corner" drove the rhythm I used to penetrate her in tiny stages. Little short strokes first, followed by longer, deeper ones on the emphasized beats. This time it was me who moaned as I pulled out to just barely parting her vaginal lips, then slowly let myself drop all the way in. Savoring the sensation, and not wanting to blow my wad right there, I relaxed most of my lower body weight onto her and supported my upper body just enough to deliver a full, deep tongue thrust kiss to her mouth. She sucked hungrily, almost painfully, on my tongue and grabbed my ass with both hands

We began to fuck right along to the music, completely interlocked from head to toe. Ain't rock and roll grand? To tell you the truth, this was the first time I'd ever had sex to the music that I had made.

In a John Fogarty groove, the basement blues band moves on to "Proud Mary". Getting kind of giggly now, she pulls me off to the side, we roll over, and voila, she's on top. I lift her top and toss it aside, and take her left breast into my mouth. But it's "her song" and even a rocket scientist like me can tell that she wants to romp now, so I just lie back and admire the candlelight dancing on the walls and ceiling. Yes, that weed is definitely affecting my state of euphoria.

One of my favorite things to do is to watch my girl lift herself up and then impale herself on my shaft. I love to see her tits bounce when she gets the angle just right and slams home on my hips. And I love to feel her pelvis tilt back and forth in order to stimulate her clit as much as possible because I'm the type of guy who really tries to give his woman as much pleasure as possible. As hot as this night was going, I was in danger of popping off before I was sure that she had got hers. So I reached up and pulled her down for another one of those long, deep, appreciative kisses.

The speakers blared those sweet opening chords to "Take It Easy". I was thinking, "Man, we really nailed the Eagles' sound tonight" and starting to groove to the music. Mary kicked my legs apart, settled inside my thighs, and snuggled down to completely encapsulate my manhood. Then she started wiggling her hips languorously, lasciviously between my legs. To top it off, she tightened her pussy muscles hard and long on every "easy" and "crazy" in the choruses. God, I was high, horny, and ready to explode. Normally, I'll slap her ass and say "wait" or something but between the weed and the thrill of fucking to my own music I just decided not to fight it.

I started to let myself go with the little moans, groans, even little whimpers - in case if Mary needed a clue that I was about come. I reached up and around with both hands and was surprised to find that her butt muscles were tightly clenched. Well, let's hope that means she's got an orgasm coming on, it's too late for me to stop. I brought my legs up to where I could lift and thrust my pelvis and started giving it what for. She didn't move, or make a sound. She just laid on top of me and kept those glutes maximally tight . Her buns were as hard as I've ever felt a woman's butt.

I came with a hard rush, long and sustained. One of my best ever, all time.

That's what she said, too.

Now I know I want to be a rock star.

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